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SBL Altamont Medical Center Offers Flu Vaccine Clinic

October 4, 2022 1:34 p.m.

The Sarah Bush Lincoln Altamont Medical Center is offering its annual flu vaccine clinic in October.

The clinic is set for 8 am to Noon on Saturday, October 15, and 1 to 6 pm, Thursday, October 20, for patients of the clinic. An appointment is necessary. Please call 618 483-6151 for an appointment.

U.S. health officials typically look to the Southern Hemisphere for an indication of what to expect, and Australia is wrapping up its worst flu season in five years. The Australian flu season also arrived significantly earlier than normal, with cases spiking two or three months before its typical peak.

SBL Altamont Medical Center Family Physician John Opilka said, “We can never predict with certainty how wide spread influenza will be, but the Australian data suggests it will be a strong flu season.” He added that the last two years, Americans have used precautions such as wearing masks, social distancing and hand washing more effectively to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which can be attributed to the fewer number of influenza cases over that time period.

The medical staff at Altamont Medical Center, including Dr. Opilka, and Advanced Practice Providers Randi Berg, APRN, Kim Burgess, APRN, Heather Forys, APRN, and Katie Koester, APRN, are all welcoming new patients.

For more information, call 618 483-6151.


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