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Annual Nursing Leader, Lifetime, and Team DAISY Recipients Awarded

November 2, 2021 9:29 a.m.

  • annual daisy award

    Mindi O'Rourke, RN, nursing leader winner

  • annual daisy award

    Brenda Miller, lifetime achievement winner

  • annual daisy award

    Total Joint Replacement Team, team award

annual daisy award annual daisy award annual daisy award

Sarah Bush Lincoln recently awarded three DAISY Annual Nursing Awards. Congratulations to Brenda Miller, RN, Lifetime Achievement, Mindi O'Rourke, RN, Nurse Leader, and the Total Joint Team of Andrea Hutchison, RN, Rachelle Dunckel, physical therapist, Lisa Johnson, case manager, Sarah Dirks, Recovery Room manager, and Wes Duncan, RN. 


DAISY Lifetime Achievement  

Brenda Miller has been a nurse for 48 years. In her nearly 39-year career at SBL, Brenda advocated for her CCU patients and worked beside physicians to treat the most ill patients, interacting with families, with care and compassion.  Whether it was fighting to live, or dying with dignity, Brenda has always been “for the patient.” As Brenda moved into administration and education during the latter half of her career, she has consciously worked to increase her knowledge and proficiency in regulatory requirements that are truly understood by few. All of her decisions are considered through the lens of whether it is the right thing to do. She lives the culture of Sarah Bush Lincoln and desires to reflect it well in all her endeavors.” ~ nominator 


DAISY Nursing Leader

Mindi O'Rourke, RN, director of 2 South, has been my director for eight years. During that time, she has become a trusted colleague, a mentor, a friend, and an inspiration to me. There have been times where I have come to her office crying over a patient or over some difficult ethical dilemma that nurses often face. It never mattered how busy she was or what she was doing, she would immediately stop, express genuine concern and ask how she could help. She would never tell me directly what I should do, she would offer options and help guide me through possible choices. She embodies the characteristics of an ethical and veracious nurse, and promotes a sense of trust in our community members and patients through her dedication to their healthcare needs.”


DAISY Nurse-Led Team

“I would like to acknowledge the efforts of Andrea Hutchison, RN, Rachelle Dunckel, physical therapist, Lisa Johnson, case manager, Sarah Dirks, Recovery Room manager, and Wes Duncan, RN, of the Total Joint Team (PACU). Andrea has led an initiative to ensure that our total joint patients have accurate discharge information. She has worked with Lisa, who is vital in ensuring the patients have all the support they need. Lisa is always available to assist in phase two as we discharge patients home with any questions or concerns. Rachelle has come on board and altered her schedule to assess total joint patients at night. Sarah and Wes have guided the team with goals and development of the total joint class. This team is a key element to advancing our abilities to provide patients with an excellent patient-centered care team.”



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