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SBL Bonutti Clinic Presents Effingham Art Guild Show Results

June 21, 2019 1:07 p.m.

  • Timothy Gray, MD, and Capt. Robert Lumpp

Effingham Art Guild members submitted 150 pieces of art to this year’s art show held June 19. Of the 27contributing artists, Capt. Robert Lumpp was honored with Best Overall for his piece entitled “Old Glory.”

All the art is displayed at the Sarah Bush Lincoln Bonutti Clinic at 1303 W. Evergreen Ave., Effingham. Awards were based on SBL Bonutti Clinic employee voting.

“Country Road” created by Lynn Reznick was awarded first place; “Portrait of a Young Girl” by John Gabb earned second place; “Fox Theatre, Where Rainy Dreams Turn into Broadway Scenes” by Chris Detwiler took third place; “Meet Walter” by Natalie Perry received honorable mention.

Other honorees were:

Best in Abstracts: Jan VonBokel, “Pastel Realm”

Best in City Scenes: Elizabeth Thurston, “The Village”

Best in Floral: Sharon Moss, “Yellow Roses”

Best in People/Portraits: Rose Sutton, “Vacation”

Best in Photography, Dixie Howard, “I’m Waiting”

Best in Rural Life/Structures, Annabelle Black “Gramma’s Chickens”

Best in Still Life, Eydie Carruthers, “Something Catchy”

Best in Waterscapes, Barb Brummer, “Winter Reflections”

For more information, contact Shelly Coffin, SBL Bonutti Clinic at 217 342-3400.


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