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Mattoon Firefighters Donate to SBL Regional Cancer Center

February 5, 2019 3:27 p.m.

The Mattoon Fire Department recently donated $1,237 to the Sarah Bush Lincoln Regional Cancer Center. Firefighters raised the money by selling more than 600 t-shirts during breast cancer awareness month in October.

Mattoon Firefighters Local 691 has sold breast cancer awareness T-shirts since 2010, an initiative organized by Fire Captain Dennis Camfield. This year’s campaign was led by firefighters Dillon Kircher and Dusty Rhoads with all firefighters participating in the cause. Fire Capt. Keith Orndorff designed the logos for the shirts.

Local firefighters are particularly passionate about the cause because many of their loved ones have been touched by cancer, Rhoads said. “My grandmother passed away from cancer a few years ago and this is one small thing we can do to help.” Pictured left to right are: (front row) Firefighters Trent Coy, Robert Alexander, and Dusty Rhoads presenting a check to SBL Health Foundation Events Coordinator Kim Lockart; (back row) Firefighters Ron Spurgeon, Jason Root and Mattoon Fire Chief Tony Nichols.

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