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SBL Donates to Funds to Local Food Pantries

September 5, 2018 9:31 a.m.

  • SBL President & CEO Jerry Esker with Jake Uphoff and his Coles County Fair Open Show Grand Champion Steer.

  • Todd Foster, Charleston Food Pantry with Chris Kessler, SBL.

  • Troy Jayroe, Mattoon Food Pantry with Chris Kessler, SBL

Sarah Bush Lincoln purchased Jake Uphoff’s Grand Champion Steer in the Open Show at the Coles County Fair and donated the funds from it to local food pantries to better serve the community.

The Mattoon Community Food Center and the Charleston Food Pantry each received $710 from the proceeds of the steer so it could purchase foods in greater quantities.

Pictured is Jerry Esker, SBL President & CEO with steer owner Jake Uphoff of Mattoon; and Chris Kessler, SBL Community Relations Representative presenting checks to Todd Foster, Charleston Food Pantry; and Troy Jayroe, president of the board of directors of the Mattoon Community Food Center.


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