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SBL Parking Lots Under Construction

March 22, 2017 8:43 a.m.

Construction started this week on the two main parking lots in front of Sarah Bush Lincoln.

The lots, located on the south side of the Health Center are in front of Entrance A and Entrance B. Both lots are closed, while both entrances remain open so people can be dropped off. Free valet service is still available at Entrance A for anyone who may want to use it. Ample parking spaces can be found to the west of these lots.

The construction work includes removing the stairs in the middle of the lot, improving the grade and realigning the parking for the safety of people walking through the lots.

The work should take about two to three months to complete.

SBL Facility Services Director Tim Kastl said, “We apologize for the inconvenience this causes people seeking care or coming to visit someone. When we complete this project, the parking lots will be more accessible and safer for pedestrians. We encourage anyone with limited mobility or health issues to use the free valet service at Entrance A.”



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