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EIU Student Leaders Raise Funds for SBL Regional Cancer Center

February 28, 2017 10:01 a.m.

Eastern Illinois University’s chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) recently donated $1,079 to the Sarah Bush Lincoln Regional Cancer Center. Students raised the money by selling t-shirts, hosting a pie-in-the-face contest and a balloon release during breast cancer awareness week on the EIU campus.

NRHH is committed to mentoring and supporting the development of leaders living within the residential community and hosts a breast cancer awareness event each year. “Breast cancer impacts everyone’s lives in some way so students are especially passionate about supporting this cause,” NRHH Advisor Kelsey Cripe said. Pictured left to right are: NRHH Secretary Apiphani Hall, SBL Regional Cancer Center Director Colleen Swick, RN, and NRHH President Greta Dieter.


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