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Not Your Average Pumpkin Decorating Contest Announced

October 3, 2013 2:57 p.m.

October 3, 2013 Not Your Average Pumpkin Decorating Contest Announced Fall has arrived and pumpkins are in vibrant colors. However, did you know there are hundreds of varieties of pumpkins, squash and gourds?

Instead of decorating a traditional jack o' lantern this year, why not decorate an unexpected kind of pumpkin, squash, or gourd? The Great Pumpkin Patch and Sarah Bush Lincoln are sponsoring the ‘Not Your Average Pumpkin Decorating Contest.’ The contest runs from midnight on Monday, October 7, to noon on Friday, October 18.

To enter the contest, take a picture of your decorated pumpkin, squash or gourd and upload the photo to Sarah Bush Lincoln’s Facebook or Instagram. If you upload to Facebook, you must use the tag @sarahbushlincolnhealthsystem. If you upload to Instagram, you must use the tag @sarahbushlincoln.

Participants ages 5 to 12 should enter into the child category, and participants age 13 and older should enter the adult category. Please state which category you are entering when you upload your photo. Participants may enter up to three photos.

One winner will be selected from each category. Winners will receive a family pass to The Great Pumpkin Patch along with a family fun pack.

The Great Pumpkin Patch is located in Arthur at 1749A County Road 1900 N, located 2 miles south and ½ mile west of the village of Arthur. Visit for more information on The Great Pumpkin Patch.

For pumpkin decorating tips, visit the Sarah Bush Lincoln Pinterest Board, ‘Pumpkin Decorating,’ at

Connect with The Great Pumpkin Patch and Sarah Bush Lincoln on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for contest updates and featured pictures.

For more information on the ‘Not Your Average Pumpkin Decorating Contest,’ contact Kayla Gilbert, Public Relations, at (217) 258-4011 or [email protected].


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