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New Weight Management Services Offered at Sarah Bush Lincoln

January 14, 2013 11:52 a.m.

Making the decision to lose weight is hard. Making the permanent lifestyle changes necessary to keep the weight off is harder.

That’s why Sarah Bush Lincoln is offering a clinically monitored weight management program for those who want to lose anywhere from 10 to more than 100 pounds. The program uses the HRM® (Health Management Resources) method, the nation’s leading provider of weight treatment services to hospitals, with an average weight loss of 30 to 60 pounds, while many lose more than 100 pounds.

The program offers two diet options: in-clinic programs with or without medical supervision, or at-home diet kits. Since research shows that using low calorie, portion-controlled meal replacements produce substantially greater weight loss and weight maintenance than standard diets, all program options use nutritionally complete HMR meal replacement foods (shakes, entrees, soup, and nutrition bars) as the basis of the diet.

Participants in the program may receive a complete medical screening prior to starting the diet, with medical supervision provided as necessary. “The emphasis is on teaching new lifestyle skills and healthier behaviors,” Registered Dietitian and Program Director Kristina Adams said. After weight loss, participants join an extensive maintenance program which focuses on simple strategies for long-term weight management.

For more information, contact Kristina Adams, RD, Weight Management Program, at 238-4893 or go to


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