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Ols Presents to Healthcare Executives

February 1, 2013 2:51 p.m.

Tim Ols, FACHE, president and CEO of Sarah Bush Lincoln Health System, provided the keynote address at the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) annual Breakfast and Awards Ceremony at the New Jersey Hospital Association Annual Meeting on Jan. 25.

Ols serves on the 16-member ACHE Board of Governors. Governors are called on to make addresses regarding the healthcare industry and the progress of the College. ACHE focuses on five goal areas, membership, knowledge, service, advancement, and leadership. Ols spoke to the ACHE members on issues facing the healthcare industry and reported on ACHE's progress on its 2013 strategic plan.

ACHE is the preeminent professional society of healthcare leaders in the United States. More than 40,000 members strong, ACHE provides education, advancement, career services and networking to healthcare professionals. The Fellow credential denotes board certification in healthcare management and is achieved through Master's-prepared education in healthcare, service to the College and the community, and passing a rigorous skills and knowledge examination. ACHE was an Illinois Performance Excellence bronze award recipient in 2011.


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