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September Calendar of Events

The following is a list of Sarah Bush Lincoln programs and support groups for September.

August 19, 2013 12:09 p.m.

Location: Mattoon, IL

The following is a list of Sarah Bush Lincoln programs and support groups for September. The locations of all programs are posted daily in the Main Lobby of Sarah Bush Lincoln.

Parent 2 Parent Support Group for Expectant and New Parents
6 pm, Tuesday, September 3. A free service offering information, discussion and support about parenting. New mothers and their significant others, grandparents and expectant parents are welcome to attend. For location of meetings contact Pam Hood at 217-258- or 348-2229.

Pathways Through Grief 
7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, September 4, in the Lumpkin Family Center for Health Education at Sarah Bush Lincoln. The group is open to anyone who has lost a loved one and is facilitated by a Sarah Bush Lincoln Hospice facilitator. For more information, contact Lincolnland Hospice at (800) 454-4055.

Polio Survivors & Friends
1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, September 7, in the Lumpkin Family Center for Health Education at Sarah Bush Lincoln.  Offers support to polio survivors and their families. Contact facilitator Glem Helms, at 217-501-4406

Free Heart Health Series
6 p.m., Tuesday, September 10 in the Lumpkin Family Center for Health Education at Sarah Bush Lincoln.  A free program presenting information on different heart health topics each month.  September program will be controlling cholesterol. This program is supported in part by WomenConnected, a giving circle at Sarah Bush Lincoln.  For more information, call Karyn Cole in SBL METS at 217-258-or 348-2177.

Ostomy Support Group
7 p.m., Thursday, September 12, in the Lumpkin Family Center for Health Education at Sarah Bush Lincoln.  Offering support and advice to people who have had ostomies.  Contact facilitator Ramona Tomshack, RN, at 217-258- or 348-4112.

Hopeful  Horizons
1 to 2:30 p.m. Thursday, September 12, in Prairie Pavilion 2, located on the main campus of Sarah Bush Lincoln. The group is open to anyone who has lost a loved one and is facilitated by a Lincolnland Hospice of Sarah Bush Lincoln facilitator. For more information contact, Sarah Bush Lincoln Hospice at (800) 454-4055.

SBL Lincolnland Hospice Binga
Tuesday, September 17, at the American Legion, Mattoon.  For more information, call SBL Foundation office at 217-258-2511.  Net proceeds support Lincolnland Hospice programs.

SBL AdvantAge 50 Offers Trip to Belleville Flea Market
Saturday, September 21.  $74 per person.  Enjoy a day of bargain shopping and dinner at the Blue Springs Café, home of the foot high pie.  For more information contact, Janet Truesdale at 217-258- or 348-2422.

Patient Portal & Electronic Medical Records Class
10 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, September 24, Cottonwood Room of SBL Prairie Pavilion 2.  Totally interactive class which demonstrates the use of SBL patient portal.  Advanced registration is required. For more information contact, Janet Truesdale at 217-258- or 348-2422.

Dermatology Lunch & Learn
11:30 to12:30 a.m. Friday, September 27, in the Lumpkin Family Center for Health Education at Sarah Bush Lincoln.  Join Douglas Leone, M.D. for an informational lunch meeting about skin diseases and care.  Limited seating.  Call 217-258-2422 to reserve your seat.

Living with Diabetes
2:30 to 3:30 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday in the METS lab at Sarah Bush Lincoln.  A multidisciplinary class, which will focus on key aspects of diabetes care such as exercise, diet, monitoring and management, medications and complications of diabetes.  For more information call Paula Enstrom, RN, at 217-348 or 238-4808 or Cindy Foster, RD, at 217-258 or 348-2199.

Healthy Directions
6:30 p.m. Every Thursday in the Lumpkin Family Center for Health Education at Sarah Bush Lincoln.  A six-month community weight-management program. Which is supported in part by WomenConnected.  For more information call Gwen Zumwalt, RD, at 217-258 or 348-2199.
