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SBL Hospice Volunteer Training Class

Sarah Bush Lincoln is hosting a hospice volunteer training class for the Willow Breeze door greeter position.

Volunteers at Willow Breeze answer the door and welcome family and friends visiting patients. They provide information about house amenities and direct them to the patient’s room and other areas of Willow Breeze. There is minimal patient contact with this position. Other duties may include assisting with special events and performing light household duties.

SBL Hospice provides medical and support services, including nursing, emotional, and spiritual care to people who are terminally ill and their family members. When a person is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, their lives and the lives of those who love them drastically change. As a certified volunteer, participants will be there to support people in their community during difficult times in their lives.

SBL Hospice serves 20 counties in East Central Illinois: Bond, Christian, Clark, Clay, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Effingham, Fayette, Jasper, Lawrence, Marion, Montgomery, Moultrie, Piatt, Richland, Shelby and Wayne.

To register or for additional information, contact  Jennifer Kirk, SBL Hospice Volunteer coordinator, at 1-800-454-4055.

Training is FREE, but registration is REQUIRED below. Space is limited to 10 participants.

1 to 3 pm
Friday, December 20, 2024 or
Friday, January 17, 2025

Willow Breeze Hospice House
Located on the north side of the Health Center, 10660 CR 800N, Mattoon, IL 61938

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