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Master Gardener Volunteer Program

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809 Broadway Ave
Mattoon, IL 61938

Telephone Numbers and Contact Information:

217-345-7034 Jenny Lee

Web Page:
Email to:

Program Details:

Program/Service Notes:

Educational, volunteer program offered by the University of Illinois Extension. The Master Gardner program expands the capacity of the University of Illinois Extension Service to distribute research-based horticultural information to individuals and groups in local communities by developing and enhancing community programs related to horticulture. These programs are educational in nature and may involve environmental improvements, horticultural therapy projects, community and school gardening projects, or other programs. Master Gardeners answer questions from clients in their communities, teach classes, and participate in community programs. Gardeners volunteer throughout our local community including on the grounds of Sarah Bush Lincoln Hospital in the greenhouse and gardens.

Last Updated: Jan. 3, 2024, 9:53 a.m.