Printed on: March 13th, 2025 5:00 PM



Eastern Illinois Foodbank - Foodmobile

Street:2405 North Shore Drive
City:Urbana, IL 61802
Web Page:
Email: [email protected]
Phone:(217) 549-8426 Madison Dailey Cell
Phone:(217) 328-3663
Operating Agency:Eastern Illinois Foodbank
Agency Type: Food Pantry
Person In Charge: Jim Hires-Executive Director or Madison Dailey Partnership Coordinator
Hours: Dates and hours vary as per schedule
Fees: None to households
Eligibility: Households as identified by partner agencies that sponsor the Foodmobile in a given area
Area Served: Champaign, Clark, Clay, Coles, Crawford,Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Ford, Iroquois, Jasper, Moultrie, Piatt & Vermilion
Handicapped accessible: NA
About:The Foodbank's Foodmobile distributes truck-loads of various food products such as fresh produce, breads, cereals, and assorted nutritional food items. The particular partner agency of the Foodbank which sponsors the Foodmobile distributes the food products to poverty eligible people in the service area. The agency set up tables, and volunteers unload the food products for distribution typically during a two-hour period. The partner agency pays approximately 4 cents per pound of food, or $200, for the truck load. Or, on occasion a donor - individual, church or organization - will gift specific funds to the Foodbank to sponsor the Foodmobile for a given service area. The Foodbank gratefully accepts gift support in the form of food and food products, property assets, planned gifts and cash donations, as well as gifts of community volunteer service.
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