Embarras River Basin Agency, Inc.
- ERBA Emergency Food and Shelter - Douglas County
- ERBA Emergency Food and Shelter - Edgar County
- ERBA Homeless Program - Cumberland County
- ERBA Emergency Food and Shelter - Coles County
- ERBA Homeless Program - Douglas County
- ERBA Homeless Program - Clark County
- ERBA Homeless Program - Edgar County
- ERBA Emergency Food and Shelter - Clark County
- ERBA Homeless Program - Coles County
- ERBA CSBG Scholarships - Clark County
- ERBA Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) - Cumberland County
- ERBA Federal Surplus Commodities Distribution - Cumberland County
- ERBA Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) - Clark County
- ERBA Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) - East Coles County
- ERBA Emergency Food & Shelter - Cumberland County
- ERBA CSBG Scholarships - Jasper County
- ERBA Low Income Home Energy Assistance(LIHEAP) - Jasper County
- Jasper County Senior Center
- ERBA Employment Resource Lab
- ERBA CSBG Scholarships - Douglas County
- ERBA Homeless Program - Jasper County
- ERBA Emergency Food and Shelter - Jasper County
- ERBA Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance
- CSBG School Supplies
- ERBA Federal Surplus Commodities Distribution - Jasper County
- ERBA CSBG Scholarships - Coles County
- ERBA - Housing Counseling - Coles County
- ERBA - Housing Counseling - Cumberland County
- ERBA - Housing Counseling - Clark County
- ERBA Head Start Program Cumberland
- ERBA Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) -Douglas County
- CSBG Emergency Services
- HUD Permenant Housing - Rapid Rehousing
- HUD Permanent Housing for the Disabled
- CSBG Skills Training Program
- Outreach and Referral Service
- ERBA CSBG Scholarships - Cumberland County
- ERBA CSBG Scholarships
- ERBA Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)-West Coles
- CSBG Family Functioning Development
- DHS Homeless Prevention Services
- CSBG Rural Health
- CSBG Home Repair/Rehab
- Weatherization
- LIHEAP Emergency Furnace
- ERBA - Illinois Hardest Hit Fund - Mortgage Assistance
- ERBA Head Start
- ERBA - Housing Counseling - Jasper County
- ERBA - Housing Counseling - Douglas County
- ERBA CSBG Scholarships - Edgar County
- ERBA - Housing Counseling - Edgar County
- ERBA Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)- Lawrence County
- ERBA Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)-Richland County
- ERBA Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) - Edgar County
- ERBA Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)-Crawford County