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McCarthy Building Donates to New Surgery Center

January 10, 2020 9:12 a.m.

McCarthy Building Companies Inc. recently donated $15,000 to the new Sarah Bush Lincoln Outpatient Surgery Center, located on the Health Center’s main campus.

The new 18,000-square-foot center is nearing completion with an anticipated opening date in March. Many outpatient surgeries currently performed in the Health Center will be performed in the new center to not only better accommodate those patients having same-day surgeries, but also those having surgeries that require hospitalizations. Sarah Bush Lincoln has eight surgery suites in the Health Center that are used to capacity already.

Pictured left to right are: Kim Uphoff, SBL Vice President of Operations; Matt Sauer, Project Manager at McCarthy Building Companies Inc.; Kacie Richey, Surgery Center Manager; and Amy Card, SBL Foundation Director.

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