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SBL Launches Baby App for Expectant Parents & New Parents

July 28, 2017 1:07 p.m.

SBL Babies, a new FREE App, was recently launched to help expectant moms monitor and track their pregnancies, complete with information by trimester, packing lists, nursery shopping lists, grocery lists, meal planning, and so much more.

The app is available for free download on Google Play and the App Store.

The comprehensive app also include a Kick Counter helps women monitor their baby’s movements, while the Contraction Counter helps them monitor labor. After the baby is born, they can even monitor their lactation and the baby’s dirty diapers. There are lists to help them select names, a place to take and store pregnancy pictures and their progress.

Public Relations Specialist Angela Hampton, who lead the development of the app, said, “We wanted to be able to help women from early in their pregnancies through birth and thereafter. This app has a lot of valuable information and fun and engaging ways women can document this life-changing event in their lives.” She added that the app will continue to be developed based on user feedback.

Users can take a virtual 360 degree tour of a labor and delivery suite, watch videos featuring SBL medical staff and link to important resources. They can also link to social media and share their information.

 For more information, call Angela Hampton, PR, 217 258-4011.
